Monday, May 3, 2010


I have been asked these questions many times when my family, friends & colleagues know about my intention to resign.. Although it took me almost two months from my target date but finally i've submitted my resignation letter to my Boss and also to the HR Head dated 3 May 2010..
I was expecting to be scared and overwhelmed by the finality of my decision (once you've submitted the 'R' letter, you can never undo it) BUT I actually felt GREAT! Its as if a burden has been lifted from my shoulders and now I found myself doing my work happily and smiling.. Its such a wonderful feeling knowing that I have just two more months to look forward to changing my status from a full-time working mom to a WAHM (Work at Home Mom)..
Don't get me wrong here.. I am very much aware of the challenges I'll be facing after I resign.. No more monthly fix income to rely on (which although not much to some but it does pay the bills and afford me some lil luxuries of my own).. After this i need to be prudent in my spending.. Cut down on unneccesary expenses and hopefully I can pay off my credit card debt so that i can be debt free by the time i resign.. Importantly, is to make do with what I have by resisting the urge to shop for unnecessary things (this will be definitely the hardest thing to do)
Looking at the bright side of it... This will give me more time with my family especially the HAHA boys.. At least I will save money on fuel from commuting to work and also I dont have to shop for work clothes anymore and I will definitely save a bit more on the breakfast, lunch and sometime tea expenses I would have to fork out during work..
Another silver lining is that now I will definitely have more time to concentrate on my biz and also venture into new biz and projects.. So Nowwa..tunggu ye 2 bulan lagi ok pasni kite boleh luaskan empayar kite..hahahaha


Dessert Queen said...

Congrats..& Great!!


Eliza said...

Iyeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrr... tungguuuuu k..

SuE KasSiM said...

selamat menempuh kehidupan baru as WAHM..hehehe

Eliza said...

thanx sue!