Haha.. this is sooo funny.. rasa2nye boleh ke buat resign letter macam ni?
(Image googled)
.Atas nasihat pihak tertentu.. i have been asked to postpone my resignation to 1st May 2010.. Why? Katanye increment akan masuk bulan ni..walaupun dah tau seciput tapi at least duit jugak kan so apa la salahnye tunggu 2 minggu lagik.. Tapi yg suspen tu ada lak ura2 kata kalu ranking Silver tak dapat increment langsung.. hmmm... tak salah kan being optimistic.. .
Pasal kes bonus tu, suka tak suka i redha jer la and bersyukur.. Cuma skang staff kat company i tu masih marah lagi and ramai juga yg akan resign.. FYI, ramai staff kat company tu sudah gi keja ngan company our ex-MD coz sume tau die jenis yg akan fight for staff welfare and respect staff contributions....
.Korang ingat company yg diterajui pompuan ni bagus sgt ke? Ingat dieorg ni lagi prihatin ke? Family oriented ke? Concern pasal welfare? Hmmphh... sungguh meleset andaian korang kalu tu yg korang pikirkan.. Tu sbb Allah kata lelaki yg sepatutnye jadik pemimpin.. Sejak company being run by the Divas.. mmg ramai yg sengsara.. kalu cuti dipanggil masuk keja, kalu anak sakit pun susah nak cuti, raye lagi la org yg keja operations tu mmg tak dibenarkan cuti, asyik nak mengampu org gomen jer smp skang org gomen dah pijak kepala kiteorg ni, sanggup spend beribu dan berjuta utk entertain contacts masing2 tapi when it comes to staff susah sgt nak reward.. kalu boleh sume nak slash..
FYI, according to the consultant, gaji staff kat company i ni actually is below the current industry ye and walaupun our MD is among the top 10 highest paid GLCs CEO/MD and our company is the cash cow to the parent company, rupe2nye our renumerations (salary, benefits, etc) are among the lowest compared to others in the Group.. .
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